Wednesday, July 8, 2009

European Vacation

It is amazing at how quickly the time flies. It seems like it was just last week that I got back from Europe, and now it is over a month later. Where does all the time go?

So Europe

It was amazing the history, ambience, and the architecture. The weather I could have done without. Cool and rainy almost the entire time. It finally cleared the last week and a half of the trip. But to be able to see places and things that I had only read about or seen pictures of was amazing. The things I did that I never thought that I could or would be because I was scared. Climbing up to the Blarney Stone, and basically doing a backbend. Climbing the stairs to the Eiffel Tower. Actually trying to converse in French. Getting on the wrong train and going away from Amsterdam. Having some guy try and follow me to train station. Trying fresh Belgian chocolate. MMMM that was so good. Most of the chocolate stores in Brussels gave me samples as I walked in. To be able to go where I wanted when I wanted was nice, but by the end I was glad that I caught up with my parents and had someone to talk to who a. spoke English and b. who knew me.
Would I do it again? Defiantly, but I would explore outside of the cities. Dublin and Paris were kinda dirty, but the country side that I did see was beautiful. I think that I would want to spend more time in Ireland and England as well as visiting Scotland and Whales. And change how I packed and what I packed. By the end I was very tired of the clothes that I had packed and wore. The same outfits day after day get very tiring.
I am glad that I took the time to do it. I don't think that there is really anyway that I could have made it shorter and still saw all that I did. But I did still miss things because I did not manage my time adequately.
But to see all that I did see, go to this link, to see all of my pictures. Forwarned there are about 1300.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I can't believe how fast time is going. It is only 22 days until I leave for europe for a month. I am excited, so excited in fact that my suitcase has basically been packed now for a week. Me the queen of procrastination, just about ready to go. I still don't know if I have everything, but I think I am basically ready to go. That is until I get over there and realize that I forgot something. I am going to be able to visit 9 different countries and see them from the air and from the train. And I am not the only one who got in on the packing.

Jason really got into the packing. We got it mostly zipped up, but could not get it standing up. So much for his dream as a stow away in my parent's luggage.

Here is a very strange dream that I had that I have to write down somewhere so it will get out of my head. I have one tiny hamster, but in my dream I had three hamsters in different cages and one of then then had smaller hamsters in there following him around. I went to go and get them out, and it morphed into a giant fishtank that needed cleaning. As I was cleaning the fishtank there was a pile of black fish eggs. The eggs some how ended up on the bottom of my feet (I don't remember how). They then burrowed into my feet, and were worms growing into my feet. I tried to get them out and they were just burrowing deeper. I ended up having to have a doctor cut open the bottom of my feet (without knocking me out) and pulling them out. He started pulling it out from the middle and got one end out and the thing was like a very long black spaghetti noodle. He started on the next, and then I was woken up by my alarm clock. Thank goodness, because the surgery was really starting to make my feet hurt.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Inadvertent Scolding

Well it has been a while, and my brother and sister-in-law showed me thier blog and it reminded me that I even had one, and that I might want to get it up to date. So here is a little bit until I get home and have some more time.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Winter Time

Well, after living in Utah for several years snow, and having previously lived in Colorado, I decided that maybe I should see what all the hype about winter sports was about. I love the snow, most of the time. And I LOVE tubing. I finally decided that maybe I should try skiing to better understand. Well, last month I went up to the local ski resort, and decided to take snowboarding lessons. It always look so easy when you see people doing it. Well of course that is because they do it all the time.
Anyways so I go and rent all of my board and my boots and sign up for a lesson. First off I have to make my life difficult by not being able to decide which way I want to ride. What ever way I started out, it was the opposite of my instructor. Makes it a little difficult. So we practice the basic turns down at the bottom of the slope. Then it is off to the lift. I am surprised that with how much I do not care for hights that I was not that bothered. So Now we get off and go to the hill, and for the life of me, I cannot go from sitting to standing. After trying and rolling down the hill some, it is decided that I should kneel and get up that way. That is great, except then I am facing up hill, while trying to go down hill. I loose my balance and flip, and somehow, lucky me, twist my ankle while it is in the boot. I hear it crack or pop and it is sore. I just tell my instructor that it is a little sore, and off I go again.
As I am getting the hang of it, my instructor realizes that I keep trying to turn so that the other foot is the one in the front. I told you I made it difficult for ymself. It seams that I am always the exception to whatever guiding rule is set. So then we switch the board, and I get to quickly relearn how to turn. But I am still going down the hill backwards. Near the bottom, we work on me trying to do a C turn so that I will be facing down the hill instead of up. But by this time I am very tired. I never realized how much work it was to keep your balance and everything. I never quite mastered the elusive C turn. But I do finally make it down the hill on my own power. So my first run took almost 2 hours, and I did not really want to go down again by myself, so I went and turned my stuff in. It was then that I realized how sore my ankle was and that it was maybe a little swollen.
By the time my body warms up my ankle is very sore and almost impossible to walk on. Needless to say I had a moderate sprain. I then decided that January is not the time for my ankles, becuase the January before that I sprained the opposite one and was on crutches for 3 weeks. So anyways maybe next year I will try skiing and see if that is any easier. My only regret is that I never got a picture. Well I have an X-Ray of my ankle but that does not really count. Maybe next time.

Monday, December 3, 2007

ok so it has been a while. keep meaning to come on and write a little, but i get sidetracked. so real quick now have spiral perm and hair is close to natural color (i think) it is a dark brown, almost black. luckily for me the red is still in there, so i have some highlights. anyways.
I was thinking the other day that battered and bruised has become a regular part of life. it is rather very sad. this past week has been especially hard. each day have come home with a new mark of some sort, wither kicks, scratches, bruises from fists or kicks, and even bite marks. six times in the last week have i been bit or almost bit. even got to go to the emergency room for one of them that broke the skin. and this is all that I do, or have in my life right now. Urg.
I need to get a life. but more than that i need to go get some sleep. until next time. (which since I have a laptop now, should be more frequent)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reunion Rantings

Wrote this while I was out in the middle of nowhere for a family reunion.

There are times where I wish I could just scream and rant, and not even about anything specific. Just to have a knock down drag out fight every once and awhile. Too bad that is not acceptable, and crying is not the same release, still though with me they are very closely tied.
I love the idea of family reunions, and being with extended family. Unfortunately in reality it is completely different and does not really work for me now. I am too old for the younger group and too young for the adults. The people who are around my age are married and are started on having their families. What do you do then? No matter what side of the family, I just don't fit in and I hate it. Even though I am though I am not as reserved when around family, it is hard to go up and just start up a conversation.
I have even lost my role as baby sitter. life just sucks. It is not like I truly want to be alone, but it just gets too much, and I almost have to be alone so I don't blow apart. Then what the hell are you supposed to tell people who ask, if they even notice that you are not there? A few years ago I wandered away. I was probably gone for over an hour just walking through the desert in the middle of the afternoon. Only one person asked where I was when I got back, and that was my mother. If I was to walk away how long would it be before anyone noticed I was gone, and how long would it take before they started to worry. Would it only be at meal times, so when they to make sure I ate.
Would I be missed, or would it even make a difference if I was to leave beside there being one less person to do work. Right now all I am good for is sitting with a dog that I am allergic to, to keep her company so that she does not freak out. What kind of life is that? Let me tell you it is a crappy one.

Luckily my mood changed, and I was able to do some free climbing on the rocks. I did wander but came back after getting some great pictures. I was also able to do a zip line which is a huge feat for me because I am scared of heights.

Friday, September 14, 2007

My Hair

It changes almost as frequently as my mood. Mostly it stays in the red family, although my hair has been known to be blond, and black. There was also the time that it was black with 3 inch bright red roots. I learned then that it is not possible to dye over black hair dye. Anyways, The whole point is that I dyed my hair a deep red. It was supposed to be a blond red, but oh well. I like how it looks. I just wish that it did not take me so long. Nothing else is really new with me. Life is life, and it is going forward. That is really all that can be asked. Until next time.